Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Edge of a Sphere…

Some days I think!
Some days I don’t!
But the fact remains…
Things would change…
Seems like they won’t!

Can this be made easier?
Can we really start living?
Who is responsible for this?
Everyone starts to respond…
It all goes back to same gibberish!

There is a rebel in me.
Ya, but it’s just there.
When is it gonna do something…
Still remains…
A secret to be spared!

Should I take it right?
Or should it be left?
Need a little help out here…
The light in the darkness…
Leads you to a sphere!

You go around it.
Reach at the same place.
But place has changed a lot…
Sometimes times for good..
But then there are bads!

What is destiny?
What is fate?
Once upon a time…
A very wise soul…
Discovered a new trade!

What do you believe then?
What would you won’t?
Does it matter actually…
When you know…
That you came alone!

To put a end in the circle,
And edge to the sphere,
Let’s not think of this…
Do whatever you can..
As the time is too rare!

To find... Edge of a Sphere...
Edge of a Sphere...

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